Σάββατο 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011



Ανήκει στον κ.Αντιπρόεδρο

"Το να πτωχεύσουν οι έλληνες δεν σημαίνει πως θα πτωχεύσει η χώρα*"!!

Τι? Θέλετε και σχόλιο? Τα είπε όλα.

* Τι είναι χώρα? Μην είναι οι κάμποι? Τα βουνά? Οι τράπεζες? Τα ομόλογα? Τα Cds? Τι νάναι άραγε?

Σας; χαρίζω ένα τραγουδάκι για καλημέρα! Αύριο έχουμε Σύνταγμα?

 I saw an orange robe burning
I saw a youth on fire
hat were turning On a generation that
I saw metal machines 
thadn't yet tired
I heard of two generations being murdered
pains of new nations When the chosen
In a Europe that was shrouded in black
I witnessed the birt
hpeople finally went back
North Winds Blowing
I wish it would Blow all away
North Winds Blowing
sease And mainly men had to que
I wish they would blow all away
I wish they would blow all away
I saw freedom in the shape of d
inch their desire
And while a few could do just as they pleased
I saw kids whose bellies were all on fire
When all is dead and war is over
When hollow victory has been won
Of the evil that just can't be u
Who will join in the celebration
North Winds Blowing
y would blow all away I wish
I wish it would Blow all away
North Winds Blowing
I wish th
ethey would blow all away
I used to dream about destruction
g the ocean And waves are all I wan
But now that I feel it getting near
I spend rny time watchi
nt to hear
I wish I was a believer
I'd spend less time in being sad
So many laws against disbelieving 
Don't know who's good or who's bad 

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